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Young Broker of the Year Award 2024 Launched
Published: 22 May 2024
Young Broker of the Year Award Launched
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The National Council of Wool Selling Brokers of Australia
– 2015-current
WoolProducers urges woolgrowers to have their say in this year’s WoolPoll
AWI Report - Why stick with wool?
NCWSBA Broker Development Program
AWIS Wool Week 2024 - NCWSBA AGM
Young Broker of the Year Award 2024 Launched
Live Exports Update
Australian Wool Traceability Hub - 90% of wool to be traced by 2025
Wool is back in vogue!
NCWSBA President's Report 2023
NCWSBA appoints Robert Herrmann as Executive Director
Finalists Announced for NCWSBA 2022 Wool Broker Award
NCWSBA Wool Broker Award Launched for 2022
Global economy on the recovery path, but uncertainties remain
NCWSBA Wool Broker Award Launched for 2021
Wool exports rise for Australia, NZ and South Africa, down for South American countries
Wool prices lag the rise in general commodity prices
Improvement in wool prices lagging that for competing fibres
Clothing retail sales in China jump, sales weak in other countries
Value of Australian wool exports hit near 40-year low
Chris Wilcox to retire as NCWSBA Executive Director
Sharp jump in AWTA wool tests in February
Current superfine wool prices at 80th percentile, broad wool prices near lows
NCWSBA MEDIA RELEASE: Solid premiums for non-mulesed wool in weak market, discounts for no NWD
Price premiums for superfine wool at multi-year highs
Australian wool export volumes lift in first half of 2020/21 due to sharp jump in exports to China
Over three-quarters of farm bales at auction have a National Wool Declaration
US imports of men’s wool wovenwear slump in 2020
Is a commodity price supercycle beginning?
Australian wool tests at decades low in first half of 2020/21
First half of the 2020/21 season in review
Very good seasonal conditions see Australian wool production stabilise
Wool’s price relativity with competing fibres well down on peaks
AWTA test volumes down, production outlook obscured by weather, stock holding & shearing delays
NCWSBA Wool Broker Award Suspended for 2020
Sharp drop in US imports of wool clothing a concern
Tentative signs of higher retail sales as consumer’s become a little more confident
Higher volume of medium Merino wool despite drop in total wool tested
Global cotton stocks lift to 95% of annual use
Merino wool prices at 60th percentile despite falls
Wool prices in all producing countries hit hard by COVID pandemic
Auction wool sales up on 2019/20, but wool tests down
Raw wool demand drops, but tentative signs of improvement from China
Wool price competitiveness improves strongly
NCWSBA President's 2019/20 Report - A Year of Turmoil
Rowan Woods appointed as NCWSBA President, Stephen Keys as NCWSBA Vice President
Wool prices down more than prices for other textiles
Superfine wool price premiums recover amid general price falls
US clothing imports drop like a stone under the weight of COVID-19
Australian wool production expected to stabilise in 2020/21
Australian wool export volumes at long term low in 2019/20
Economies starting to recover in key wool consuming countries
Wool price premiums against cotton and synthetics plummets
Australian wool prices fall by more than prices for other fibres in 2019/20
China’s raw wool demand drops as its wool product exports slump
Wool brokers back wool industry charity foundation
All major processing countries cut raw wool demand
Australian wool test volumes slump in May
IWTO 2020 Congress - Activity levels slump, stocks jump in global wool textile industry
COVID-19 causes fall in prices for all textile fibres
Slump in consumer confidence a contributor to demand destruction for wool
Australian wool production forecast to fall again in 2020/21
Double whammy for wool demand
Lower raw wool trade due to weak demand
Wool consuming economies forecast to take a huge hit from Covid-19
Consumer confidence plunges in major wool consuming countries
Decline in weight of wool tested eases in March
NCWSBA Wool Broker Award now open for 2020
Wool price relativity against other fibres falls back
The Australian wool market carries on amid COVID-19 turmoil
Covid-19 and risk mitigation actions hit retail sales in China
National Auction Selling Committee arrangements for auctions - Covid-19 at 23rd March 2020
Oil prices fall sharply but general commodity prices only moderately affected
Lower volumes of superfine wool tested for 2019/20 season to date
NCWSBA Members and Guests Celebrate the NCWSBA Centenary
Average premiums for Non-Mulesed wool remain strong
NCWSBA Celebrates its Centenary
Slump in US imports of wool clothing from China due to penalty import duties
Weight of wool tested down by 5% to end January
Coronavirus outbreak creates massive uncertainty for the wool market
No direct benefit for wool from US-China Phase One Trade Deal
Raw wool trade from major exporting countries falls
IWTO Roundtable focuses on challenges for broad wool
Mixed consumer confidence and retail sales in the Northern Hemisphere
New forecast predicts 9% decline in Australian shorn wool production in 2019/20
US imports of wool clothing from China slump in September
Australian wool exports slump in September
Media Release: NCWSBA opens historical display of wool broking in Sydney
South African wool prices less volatile than in Australia, broad wool prices depressed
Cotton prices remain low as production outstrips demand
Media Release: Premiums for Non-Mulesed Wool Jump in the first quarter of 2019/20
Australian wool price volatility hits highest level in 20 years
Raw wool demand falls
NCWSBA Centenary in 2020
Volume of wool tested slumps in September
Report from the Nanjing Wool Market Conference: High stocks in China wool textile industry
Lower levels but most wool prices still above 70th percentile
US imports more wool clothing in June and July as retailers anticipate new import duties
US imposes additional 15% duty of wool clothing imports from China
NCWSBA supports call for the mandatory use of pain-relief
Drought pushes Australian wool production lower in 2019/20
Wool prices drop sharply as Supercycle hopefully nears the bottom
US-China trade and currency tensions push Australian wool prices lower
Textile fibre prices slide
Good premiums for non-mulesed wool in 2018/19
Finalists Announced for NCWSBA 2019 Wool Broker Award
Price differential between medium and superfine wool closes
Wool tests, auction offerings and sales down in 2018/19
Australian wool prices fall in 2018/19 as the 2016-2018 Supercycle comes to an end
Global raw wool demand declines, led by China
Wool with a National Wool Declaration hits 73% in May
On-going drought hits wool volumes and quality
Sheep and lamb prices hit record levels in Australia
China vital to the US as a wool clothing supplier
Escalation of US-China trade tensions adds more risk to slowing global economy
Australian wool export value hits 21 year high
Over half wool at auction Non-Mulesed, Pain Relief or Ceased Mulesed
Australian shorn wool production forecast in 2019/20 to fall to lowest since 1924/25
Sustainability, Traceability and Animal Welfare - major themes at the 2019 IWTO Congress
Changing Dynamic for Global Wool Industry
Economic growth begins to falter but consumer confidence remains high
China’s wool clothing exports fall in 2018
Value of Australian fine and superfine wool exports jumps by 50%
Almost 50% of wool declared as Non-Mulesed or Pain Relief
Crossbred wool prices lift
Exports from the five major wool exporting countries fall in 2018/19 to date
China suspends imports of wool from South Africa due to an FMD outbreak
Sheep and lamb turnoff up – lower sheep numbers for 2019/20
Australian wool exports down in volume and value in 2018
MEDIA RELEASE: Strong Premiums for Non-Mulesed Wool Continue in 2018/19
Merino wool prices outperform prices for competing fibres
High premiums for Non-Mulesed wool
Share of Non-Mulesed wool lifts in Australia despite drought
UK and NZ broad wool prices continue to languish
Superfine wool tested rises, sharp drop in total wool tested in November
General fall in commodity prices, including wool and other textile fibres
Online training for Emergency Animal Disease
US clothing retail sales growing strongly in lead-in to Autumn/Winter 2018
Australian shorn wool production down by 10.8% in 2018/19
The End of the 2016-2018 Merino Price Supercycle
Micron price premiums for superfine wool fall
Chinese economic growth dips on back of slower domestic consumption
Consumer confidence keeps rising in US, but softens in Europe
Wool declared as NM, PR or CM closes in on 50% of offerings
Australian wool tests slump in September
Merino wool prices at records against cotton, just off records against synthetics
Wool products included in third batch of US penalty duties on Chinese products
Unprecedented: The Merino Wool Market
NCWSBA Wool Broker Award winner announced for 2018
Australian wool production to fall 5.7% in 2018/19
Broad-based lift in demand for raw wool
Strong lift in premiums paid for Non-Mulesed wool in 2017/18
Wool Declared as Non-Mulesed and as Pain Relief lifts by 20% in 2017/18
ABARES’ bullish forecast for wool prices
Increased raw wool imports by all major processing countries
Increased volume of Non-Mulesed and Pain Relief wool in Australia
EMI at nominal records, but 1988 level twice as high in real terms
China’s raw wool imports continue to rise
Positive conditions for the global wool textile industry and stocks under control
Value of Australian wool exports at 15 year high
Australia’s wool test volumes of superfine wool hit records in April
Sheep slaughter numbers up 25%
Price premium for Merino wools over other fibres remain near historic peaks
Australian wool exports keep rising
Clothing retail sales improving
Lower wool production in Australia in 2018/19
Looming US-China Trade War a Risk for the Wool Market
Price premium for 18 micron wool falls back
ABARES’ very positive outlook for wool
Calling applications for the NCWSBA Wool Broker Award for 2018
NCWSBA has reservations about WoolQ
Accelerating global economic growth driving commodity prices
International wool price comparisons – Merino up, broad wool languishes
Consumer confidence hits peaks, triggers lift in retail sales
A Supercycle for Merino wool prices
China’s wool clothing product exports up and down in November
Global cotton prices surge to near four-year highs
General rise in global industrial commodity prices
Global fibre prices on the rise
Australian wool production to lift a little in 2017/18
NCWSBA celebrates the history of wool broking in Australia
Another week, another record EMI, but not in real terms
World commodity prices on a cyclical upturn and Merino prices leading the way
US wool clothing imports fall to decade lows
MEDIA RELEASE: Premiums for Non-Mulesed Wool on the Rise
Encouraging growth in retail sales of clothing in 2017 to date
Australian wool export value hits 14-year highs
ABARES’ bullish forecast for the Australian Wool Industry
Chinese currency rises against the US$
EMI hits record levels against synthetics and cotton
Mixed results for trade in raw wool in 2016/17
New President and Vice President for NCWSBA in 2017
Brett Smith wins NCWSBA Broker of the Year for 2017
Australian wool production forecast for 2017/18 steady
IMF concerned about risks to China’s economy
Value of Australian wool exports surges to decade highs
Merino wool price relativity against other fibres at highs
World economic growth forecasts lifted – positive for wool
Raw wool demand from other major exporting countries slides
Finalists for the 2017 NCWSBA Wool Broker Award announced
Weight of wool tested in Australia in 2016/17 rises in all states
China’s exports of woven wool clothing on the rise
Australian wool exports surge in April, hit heights
Consumer confidence rises but US clothing imports slide
Superfine wool premiums fall back from peak
All textile fibre prices up in 2017 but superfine wool the best performed
Wool exports from NZ and Uruguay drop, exports from Australia and Argentina lift
Australian Wool Industry Medal launched
Australian value of fine wool exports hits record level in February
Superfine wool supply down, medium Merino wool supply up in 2016/17 to date
Australian and South African wool prices lift, NZ and UK wool prices drop in 2016/17
Synchronised economic growth in advanced and developing economies in 2017?
Wool exports from New Zealand and Uruguay dive
NCWSBA 2017 Wool Broker Award Launched
Australian wool export value hit a 14-year peak
EMI in real terms less than half the 1988 peak
China’s Trade Data Shows a Very Mixed Picture
Where do Current Wool Prices Sit Historically?
Value of Wool Exports Surge to 14 Year High
Superfine Premiums Lift Above Long-Term Average
Young Professionals Programme
Brighter Economic Outlook Helping Boost Wool Prices
Fine Merino Wool Price Relativity with Synthetics Hits Record
Australian Wool Tests Surge in November
2017 IWTO Congress
Australian Wool Exports Jump in September
NZ Wool Exports Drop Sharply, Australia's Exports Steady
Wool Prices Rise, Lamb Prices Stay High and Turn-off Declines
Mixed Economic Conditions in the Northen Hemisphere
Australian Wool Production Forecast at 325 mkg in 2016/17
Lower Textile Fibre Price Volatility Since 2013
Winner of the 2016 NCWSBA Broker Award Announced
Australian Wool Export Volumes Fall to Multi-Year Lows
Wool Exports from Other Major Exporters Fall in 2015/16
Record Season Average Wool Prices in Australia in 2015/16
China's Wool Product Exports Recover
Merino Wool Prices Outperforming Competing Fibres
Wool Test Volumes Drop Sharply in June
China Raw Wool Imports Decline in April
Growth Rate for US Clothing Retail Sales Picks Up
Australian Wool Export Volumes Fall in April but Values Up
China Wool Textile Product Exports Up in March
Leading Economic Indicators Suggest Stable Wool Prices in US$
Winner of the 2015 NCWSBA Broker Award Announced
AGM and Forum
NCWSBA Centenary
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IWTO Market Information Report
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