There is now a Wool Broker and Livestock Agents Online Training Course available to help prepare for if and when there is an outbreak of an Emergency Animal Disease in Australia, such as Foot and Mouth Disease. The course has been developed under the direction of WoolProducers Australia and SheepProducers Australia with funding from Animal Health Australia. The course is designed to inform and train wool and livestock selling agents about how to recognise and respond to a suspected Emergency Animal Disease (EAD). Completing the course better prepares users to participate and provide leadership to the industry during an EAD response. Users are also provided a toolkit of information and resources which can be shared, to help inform their clients. Details are provided in the document attached to the email with this week’s Weekly Newsletter. This includes how to register for the on-line course at the website The course takes about 60 minutes to complete. You don’t have to do it in one sitting - you can stop and resume at any point. Wool broking staff are encouraged to complete the course. If ever there was an outbreak of an EAD such as Foot and Mouth Disease, it will be vital to have wool broking staff who know what to do and contribute to the industry’s response.
Online training for Emergency Animal Disease
- Details