The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee (AWPFC) met on Wednesday 29th April 2020 and reviewed its forecast of Australian shorn wool production for 2019/20. It also decided on its first forecast for 2020/21. The Committee revised its forecast for 2019/20 to 281 mkg greasy. This is a 6.3% decline on shorn wool production in 2018/19. It is higher than the 272 mkg greasy that the Committee forecast in November, in line with the AWTA test data to end March. The Committee’s first forecast for the 2020/21 season is that shorn wool production will decline again despite the extensive rainfall across eastern and south-eastern Australia in recent months. While wool cuts over the 2020/21 season will improve, the Committee expects that lower sheep shorn numbers will push production lower. You can see full details in the Media Release from the AWPFC.
Australian wool production forecast to fall again in 2020/21
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